It's Poetry Friday today, being hosted over at the Poetry For Children blog. To celebrate, here's a new humorous poem featuring an all-too-familiar character in an all-too-familiar setting. Or is it?
The Countenance of Humpty Dumpty
By Vikram Madan

As Humpty Dumpty, on the wall,Ok, ok - don't twist my arm - I admit I wrote this poem backwards, starting with the ending in mind. Sometimes you just gotta do what you just gotta do :) .... Happy Poetry Friday!
Sat in a cheerless slump
A passerby assumed the worst
And yelled, He’s going to jump!
An anxious crowd assembled and
Begged Humpty change his mind
The King's men and their horses came
(The Press shadowed behind)
They cordoned off the boulevard
Unfurled a safety net
A nervous chatter filled the night,
The tension, thick as sweat
Then Humpty shuffled in his spot
(The crowd shook with unease)
This isn't what you think, he said
I came here … for the breeze
You see, I haven't smiled in years
My countenance is skewed
I thought a dose of fresh air might
Invigorate my mood
For mirth lends me no company
I’m always feeling grim
And in my quest to lighten up
I sat here on a whim
But as he spoke he lost his poise
And toppled off the top
And treaded wind with flailing limbs
Down, down the few-foot drop
A solemn silence hushed the street.
All stared in stunned dismay.
Poor Humpty missed the safety net
(What more was left to say?)
The coroner, to close, declared
(As medics cleared the pile)
Humpty, our friend, is gone but look
At last, he’s cracked a smile!
Text and Illustrations Copyright © 2012 Vikram Madan