Here's one only a poet can appreciate :)
PPS Happy Poetry Friday - this weeks the funs at Renee LaTulippe's No Water River blog.
[ PS. For anyone who didn't catch the references in the last line, look up Edgar Allan Poe's 'The Raven', a masterpiece of a poem that turned Poe into an instant celebrity. In that poem, Lenore is the maiden the narrator lost and forever pines for ... ]
Ode to the Best Darn Poem What I Ever Did Write
By Vikram Madan
I marveled when you first emerged, a tendril of a thought
You needed care and nurturing: I gave you all you sought
I watched you thrive and blossom and unfurl your worded wings
The texture of a language, vibrating in your strings
I felt your rhythms synchronize, your meters coalesce
Iambic feet cavorting as you took on loveliness
Your metaphors? Magnificent! Your similes? A bliss!
The way your words enthralled my tongue was no less than a kiss
Climatic? Like a symphony; Sagacity? Profound!
We danced all day inside my mind - (My smugness knew no bounds)
A masterpiece so perfect that no world would be the same!
I went to bed content I stood upon the cusp of fame
I dreamt all night how you and I would transform mankind
I woke up … to be horror-struck - you'd faded from my mind!
Oh why, oh why, did I commit the poets greatest sin
I should have freed you to paper, not kept you locked within
I've tried but failed to bring you back - I'll mourn you ever more
You could have been my 'Raven' but instead you're my 'Lenore'.
Copyright © 2012 Vikram Madan
PPS Happy Poetry Friday - this weeks the funs at Renee LaTulippe's No Water River blog.